Category: Informations for user , posted on July 15, 2010
No one is free from errors. So a lot of users reported the first bugs just a few hours after relaunch of Counteronline 4.
We would like to thank all users who helped us to improve our services via reporting bugs and sending us improvement suggestions or criticism (which is always welcome)...

Category: Informations for user , posted on May 29, 2010
Today we finished the update and launched Counteronline 4. You'll find a new website and a completely renewed statistic area. We are sure that questions will appear.
For that reason our live support is available which can answer each upcoming question via chat. Also our e-mail support wil...

Category: Development , posted on May 10, 2010
A few hours ago we have the new Counterboxes online which are a part of the Counteronline Relaunch named Version 4.
Classic counterstyles are designed to display the total amount of your visitors. With Counterboxes it is possible to display more than that. Counterboxes could display visit...

Category: Informations for user , posted on March 19, 2010
This Friday we enhanced our server capacities caused by the increasing server-load of the last days. Each server was equipped with more RAM and sporadically with new CPU's which offer a higher level of performance.
Partly this leads to unavoidable but short down-times. This update results...
by Category:
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